Daily Archives: January 17, 2016

Half a month gone…



It is hard to believe that the last time I wrote here was at the beginning
of 2016 and we were mourning Natalie Cole’s passing. Fast forward a few days,
we lost David Bowie, quickly followed by Alan Rickman and Rene Angelil, Celine
Dion’s husband. I suppose as I get older, I pay more attention to the passing
of people whose age is not that distant from my own and it makes me ponder life’s
mysteries and reminds me to be grateful for each day and to live it to the fullest.

My days have gone quickly so far in 2016, I expect lots of visitors and I am
eager to see my little town from the eyes of newcomers. I have my work cut out
for me in the following days because my local monthly publication comes out next
weekend. I am usually a little stressed, making sure everything that needs to be
included gets into the issue, collecting my payments, and editing the work that
is sent to me by loyal contributors. I am thankful that my ability and energy to
devote to this endeavor continues to be high and that the publication has become
a tool for new people coming to town and even the realtors who distribute it to
their prospective clients.

I am not so focused on the food issues right now, grateful to be alive and in a
body that is able to move and support me.