Tag Archives: healthy dinners

Cooking with Gas!

Photo by Rachel Claire on Pexels.com

When I was a very young girl, the stove that was used to cook our food was electric. When we moved to New York, everything was gas. I never gave any of that a second thought for the 35 years that I lived in the states. When I returned to my birthplace, I didn’t even consider getting a gas stove because I had witnessed the “set-up” in my various relatives’ homes and they scared me silly.

It was like having a hot water “suicide” set up that various people I knew used instead of having a proper hot water heater somewhere in the house. I could not see myself cooking with gas because I didn’t really trust that it was safe. Many years have passed since we moved here and every once in a while, my husband will comment that we should change our stove to a gas stove because (honestly) he does most of the cooking and gas is much faster. I don’t commit because I am still on the fence about it.

My brother is a huge grill fan. He deserves praise for knowing how to cook just about anything on the grill and for taking care of dinner most nights. He really, really enjoys it. My husband can grill and would probably do it more often if we had a gas one, he said. My husband and my brother took a drive into the “city” and purchased a Weber grill that my brother is assembling as I write this blog. I commend them both. They had a plan, and now they are happily putting the final touches on our dinner menu. I love the fact that cooking is being taken care of and I have no responsibilities! Clean-up is easy too. I look forward to learning all about how to take care of the grill and perhaps also trying my hand at doing it. Not making any promises though since not cooking is one of my goals for this year!